The average house price on SELSEY CLOSE is £105,016
The most expensive house in the street is 6 SELSEY CLOSE with an estimated value of £144,906
The cheapest house in the street is 4 SELSEY CLOSE with an estimated value of £67,714
The house which was most recently sold was 5 SELSEY CLOSE, this sold on 20 Dec 2021 for £87,500
The postcode for SELSEY CLOSE is HU5 1PF
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 SELSEY CLOSE Terraced , 46 m2 £100,405 £60,000 31 Jul 2013
2 SELSEY CLOSE Semi-Detached £111,957 £65,250 22 Sep 2006
3 SELSEY CLOSE Terraced , 45 m2 £110,678 £64,000 4 Aug 2006
4 SELSEY CLOSE Terraced , 46 m2 £67,714 £22,500 5 Apr 2002
5 SELSEY CLOSE Terraced , 45 m2 £94,439 £87,500 20 Dec 2021
6 SELSEY CLOSE Detached , 46 m2 £144,906 £34,200 24 Sep 1999